Monday, June 23, 2008


上一篇提到今届的饥饿30营,给孩子"无穷"的快乐 - You’ve got the power!的前序,如何参与以及受益团体。


上个星期收到world vision来的email,我被录取了(好像申请工作被录取酱开心@.@)这次也再次申请了组长与活动组。


Sunday, June 8, 2008

30-Hour Famine 2008 饥饿30

30 hours famine camp is coming again. This year, the theme of the camp is 给孩子"无穷"的快乐 - You’ve got the power!

This year is the newly introduced format of 26+4, where giving West Malaysians the power to run their own unique Famine camps.

so, how does it work?

I think many of us will be wondering what does it means by 26+4. Well, here is the explaination:

30-Hour Famine = 26 Hours + 4 Hours

"Do It Yourself (DIY)" Famine Camps are held in schools, colleges, offices, and any other place where there are a group of people who want to make a unique stand against poverty.
 For 26 hours, they fast and learn about global poverty issues, guided by the Famine Kit and training provided to camp leaders.
 The last 4 hours are spent at a star-studded Famine Countdown event, where they break fast together with Famine Campers from across the country.

Everybody got what I mean?

Well, here i attached 2 short videos composed by the world vision, 1 is about the introduction of 30 hours famine camp, another 1 is about the beneficiaries, ambassador and angels of the famine camp 2008.

Here is the video....


After watching this video, did you notice something interesting? If you are my friends and you did pay attention on this video, you will get what I mean. hehe~~~

Beneficiaries, Ambassador & Angels

If you wondering whether you want to be a camp leader, participant or donor, what you can do in your first step is to download the official Famine Flyer.
English / Chinese

Still have some queries on this famine camp, still do not what you can do, of course you can read through the FAQs.
English FAQs / Chinese FAQs

If you have time, want to know more about world vision, you can go through the official website or read through the world vision's blog.
World vision did have an account in facebook where they did update it constantly. You guys can look through it.

World vision need you guys help in order to organise this event successfully. I will join the camp, how about you guys? Hope to see you guys...

And also, help me to spread the words, your help will benefit thousands of children as what the camp theme is
给孩子"无穷"的快乐 - You’ve got the power!

Friday, June 6, 2008

金马伦jungle walk No.7


这次的金马伦游是跟着父母亲的,还记得他们上一次上来是我在考semester 1 final exam时,至今我都毕业了,算算看都有差不多4年了。我父母亲很喜欢去旅行,每当学校放假,就少不了旅行。为什么要等到学校放假呢?唉,就是因为我还有两个还在念中学的弟妹咯,每当放假,就会吵着去旅行。



这次的Jungle walk是从MARDI旁边的一条小路开始的。这是我第一次的jungle walk,给了金马伦高原。在这之前,很有冲劲,很向往爬山或jungle walk,终于。。。终于有机会了。

一路上也有很多我国的国花,各种颜色,很是漂亮,中间的那束花不知道是什么名堂,看到漂亮就一并把它给拍下来。我们的Mission要开始了,就从这个牌子开始。我们选择了path no. 7。在这之前根本没有做什么功课,都不知道一共有多少path,那个path是容易走,那个是辛苦的,一点概念都没有。当下只好跟着爸爸的决定走,如果没记错的话,当时一共有两个path,path 5 and path 7,而爸爸选了path 7。

Path no. 7, 我们开始了!!(牌子的字不太清楚,也许是因为日晒雨淋的关系吧!)走着走着,山上一个人影都没有,难道只有我们5个人而已?
看到第一个牌子了,写着Jungle Walk No. 7, 1.90KM到达Gunung Berembun。

刚刚从陆地爬了上来,应该很久没有高高在上的feel了。我本人有点畏高症,爬得酱高还是有点怕怕的,这还是beginning而已,后面还有一大段路要走。(吐~~)从高处往下去,山下的农田一排排的,很整齐。成功爬上一个山坡,先拍个照留念。这个时候,大家还是很轻松的,还没有遇上很难爬的山路。爸爸和弟弟两个男的包前面,第我们开路,而我包后尾,因为要拍照,另一个原因是我很喘。@@爬山还有经过一个辣椒园,还蛮大一个。一路上爬着爬着,因为我国是热带雨林的国家,可以看到很多mosses生长在树干上,山路上也是有点滑,因为生满了青苔。 看看吧!我父亲还老当益壮,还可以扶着我们爬上斜坡。爸爸在几年前身体检查时,验到心脏不好,可是这此爬么高的山,却没有问题。爸爸笑着说,之前的医生检验错了,他的心脏根本没事。一路上的风景,因为相机没什么电了,只好省省用,没拍什么照片。下面的是我们经过的其中一条路,路全都开发了,只须跟着路走就可以了。由于地上很滑,我们一人一支tongkat,不然的话,滑下山就大件事了。呵呵~~~以下是一路上会经过的一些牌子,每看到一个牌子,就表示以更接近山顶了,也一次又一次给你很大的希望。可是因为没有爬山的经验,几度想放弃,牌子上明明说还有600m,可是爬了很久,好像还没到顶。一次又一次的气馁,爸爸的一次又一次的鼓励,越来越亮的光芒,我们知道我们离山顶不远了。终于,我们到达了,总共花了2个小时30分钟才到达。山上没有什么特别,除了重见光明,空气新鲜,很浓密的雾之外,就只有这个烂铁。牌子还被糟蹋得那么厉害,现在的人的头脑都不知道在想些什么。@@爬得那么辛苦,当然在这烂铁前拍个照留念咯,我们终于成功了。YEAH~~~~ 这个山上,真的只有我们5个人而已,我们的胆子还蛮大的嘛!
