Saturday, October 6, 2007

饥饿挑战系列--《水源篇》(Famine Challenges Series--Water)

Today, i would like to share some about the Famine Challenges--Water:


"Every child should have water that is safe to drink close to their homes"
Convention on the rights of the Child, Article 24

加纳-“我们知道这水源已经被污染,可是我们别无选择。” 这名儿童手中捧着的水取自村里唯一的水源。那是一个布满泥泞和动物排泄物的池塘。
虽然我们已经有能力把人类送往外太空,但是,这世界上仍然有11亿人口因为缺乏最基本的天然资源--水而烦恼。每一天,世界上有6000人因为水源所带来的疾病,如霍乱、伤寒以及Guinea Worm基尼蠕虫疾病而逝世。这相等与每一天,有20驾大型客机空难所带来的死亡人数。

GHANA-"We know the water is contaminated, but we have no choice." A child holds up a glass of water from his village's only water source, a pond that is a stew of mud and animal waste.
In an age where we can send astronauts into space, 1.1 billion people struggle for the lack of a basic natural resource-water.
Water related diseases such as cholera, typoid, and guinea worm kill 6,000 people every day-equivallent to 20 jumbo jets crashing everyday.

Asma Bibli是一个住在Pakistan的10岁小女孩。她每天得爬一个很斜的山坡,经过一个森林,再用头顶着这重重的罐子到她家最近的池塘(需要一个小时的时程)去提水。

Asma Bibli lives in Jhangi village in Pakistan. The 10-year-old climbs a steep mountain path, walks through a deep forest, and carries this heavy water container on her head to reach the nearest water source -- an hour away.

  1. 女生常被委以挑水的重任:她们因为被迫长途跋涉去挑水而无法到学校求学。
  2. 冲厕需耗费约20公升的水量,这相等与非洲家庭平均每天所使用的水量。
  3. 为一个社区提供清洁水源所需的费用约为每人每年付出7令吉。这比喝一杯冰沙饮料的价钱还来得低!
Water shockers:

  1. Girls are often entrusted with the arduous task of fetching water. Instead of studying, they spend long hours fetching water that is often contaminated.
  2. Flusing the toilet once uses about 20 litres of water. That's the amount of water an average African family uses in a day.
  3. The cost of bringing clean water to a community is roughly RM7 per person per year. That's cheaper than an ice-blended drink!



Good News:

In the past 20 years, World Vision has helped provided clean water for more than 10 million people, building wells and pumps, and educating people about the importance of hygiene.


The water we flush everytime in toilet is equal to the total amount of water (20L) an average African family used a day. If we went for toilet 5-8 times a day, means that we flush off the clean water needs for 5-8 family. If we didin't use the flushing, just clean it with normal paip, we can save up to 100-160L of clean water a day. and this can provide clean water to those families. Clean water is very important as drinking clean water can keep us away from water-related dieseases which spread through dirty water. Thus, everytime when we flush the toilet, lets us think about their situation, hopefully we can reduce the amount of water flush by using only the water paip.

照片皆摘自世界宣明会 (photos are adopted from World Vision Website)

资料皆摘自:第10届饥饿30营员手册(Information adopted from : The 10th Anniversary 30-hour Famine Camper's Handbook)

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