Saturday, October 6, 2007

儿童权利公约 (The Convention on The Rights of the Child) CRC


I just finished posting some of the photos on the activities organized in the 10th Anniversary 30hour famine camp i went last 2 weeks, sorry for those do not know mandarin, as i post those in mandarin. Anyway, do you guys know what is the purpose or aim of this camp?For this year, the famine focuses on child rights. How many of us know that child also had their own rights? As we know most of the time, only adults or those rich people have their rights while those poor people have no rights even in talking. Anyway, i would like to write something on child right, and explain what is The Concention on the Rights of Child is all about.

《儿童权利公约》 (Convention on the Rights of the Child,CRC) 是一项有关儿童权利的国际公约。 《儿童权利公约》是首条具法律束力的国际公约,并涵盖所有人权范筹,保障儿童在公民、经济、政治、文化和社会中的权利。这公约共有192个缔约国,得到大部份联合国成员承认(或有条件承认),当中只有美国和索马里没有加入。虽然如此,在这个世界上,还是有很多孩童被夺走他们的基本权利。许多国家的儿童因为战争、童工剥削和性侵犯等社会问题而饱受煎熬。不仅是发展中国家,即时是先进国也面对了同样的问题。

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) spells out the basic human rights that all children have:

  1. the right to survival
  2. the right to develop to the fullnest
  3. the right to protection from harm
  4. the right to participate fully in family, cultural and social life.

Yet, around the world, children are being denied their rights. In many countries, they suffer because of armed conflict, child labour and sexual exploitation. the problems occur in wealthy nations as well as developing countries.

《儿童权利公约》可分为 4 大类别:
1. 生存权:

  • 人类在没有的情况下最多只能活三天。水源的卫生极其重要,因为肮脏的水源会引来疾病,甚至导致死亡。
  • 童需要靠有营养的食物健康成长.
  • 一个完整的具必须具备完善的卫生设施、食物以及能够照顾和指导孩童的成人。
  • 童必须获得医疗服务,例如注射疫苗以防止疾病等会危及性命的疾病。
CRC can be categorised into 4 categories:

1. The right to survive

  • One can survive for only 3 days without water. It is important for water to be clean, as dirty water causes illness, or even death.
  • Children need nutritious food to grow healthly.
  • Homes should have proper sanitation, food, and adults for care and guidance
  • Children should have access to health services such as vaccinations, particularly against life threatening disease such as malaria.

2. 发展权:

  • 一个儿童应该得到智力、心灵以及情绪上的平衡发展。
  • 理想的成长环境包括了均衡的教育与玩乐。
  • 在许多贫困国家,有超过半数的儿童完全没有机会上学;而当中绝大部分是女生。
  • 游戏有益于孩童的神经发展以及交际能力。

2. The right to develop:

  • A child needs to grow intellectually, psychologically and emotionally as well.
  • A proper balance of education and play time would be the optimum combination.
  • In third world countries, half of the children do not go to school at all. Most of them are girls
  • Playing helps children to develop motor and social skills.

3. 受保护权:

  • 儿童是脆弱的,他们需要被保护和照顾
  • 童工在大部分国家是非法的。儿童容易被剥削,他们经常超时工作,却没有被付与应得的工资。
  • 身体有缺陷的孩童应该赋予完整参与生活的机会。
  • 超过两百万名儿童因为踏到地雷或被乱弹击中而死亡。儿童永远不应该被牵扯到残酷的战争里。

3. The right to be protected

  • Children are vulnerable, they need to be protected and cared for.
  • Child labour is illegal in most countries. Children are easily exploited, and are often overworked and underpaid.
  • Children with disabilities should be given the chance to participate fully in life.
  • Over 2 million children have died stepping on landmines or catching stray bullets. Children should never be exposed to the atrocities of war.

4. 参与权:

  • 儿童应该获得社会的认可。
  • 每个小孩应该赋予各自的身份,如姓名、宗教与国籍。许多第三世界的孩童并没有被父母登记,或因为宗教问题而被政府拒绝国籍。
  • 儿童应该被鼓励以正面的方式表达自己。
  • 每个儿童不仅应该得到生存的权利,更有权利活得丰盛

4. The right to participate

  • Children should be included and acknowledge in their respective societies.
  • Every child should be given an identity such as name, religion and nationality. Many children in the third world have not been registered by their parents or have been rejected by their government often over racial issues.
  • Children should be encouraged to express themselves in a positive manner.
  • Last but not least, instead of just existing, every child deserves to live life to the fullnest.

  • 《儿童权利公约》共有 54 项条款,并可分为“生存权”、“受保护权”、“发展权”与“参与权”等类别。
  • 儿童泛指18岁以下。
  • 马来西亚已在1995年签署《儿童权利公约》。

Lastly, what you need to know:

  • There are 54 articles in the CRC, which can be categorised into survival, protection, development and participation.
  • A children is defined as anyone below the age of 18.
  • Malaysia signed the CRC in 1995.

  • 知识就是力量:多了解有关贫穷、歧视与剥削等方面的知识。
  • 散播讯息:通过部落格,分享你所学的一切。(我现在在做*.^)
  • 志工:加入以维护儿童权益为宗旨的公益组织。
  • 别忽略了孩童的存在:检阅你的生意计划对孩童生活所带来的影响。

What we can do:

  • Knowledge is Power: Learn more about issues such as poverty, discrimination and exploitation
  • Spread the Word: Blog about what you've learnt! (I am doing it now!)
  • Volunteer: Sign up with a child-focused NGO
  • Remember the Children: Examine the impact of your business decisions on children.
Information adopted from : THe 10th Anniversary 30-hour Famine Camper's Handbook


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